Pursuant to the provisions of the
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, the District of Houston may collect personal information about individuals. Information may be collected for:
- a purpose authorized by an enactment;
- the information is collected for the purposes of law enforcement;
- the information relates directly to and is necessary for a program or activity of the public body;
- with respect to personal information collected for a prescribed purpose:
- the individual the information is about has consented in the prescribed manner to that collection; and
- a reasonable person would consider that collection appropriate in the circumstances;
- the information is necessary for the purposes of planning or evaluating a program or activity of a public body;
- the information is necessary for the purpose of reducing the risk that an individual will be a victim of domestic violence, if domestic violence is reasonably likely to occur;
- the information is collected by observation at a presentation, ceremony, performance, sports meet or similar event:
- at which the individual voluntarily appears; and
- that is open to the public; or
- the information is personal identity information that is collected by;
- a provincial identity information services provider and the collection of the information is necessary to enable the provincial identity information services provider to provide services under section 69.2 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act; or
- a public body from a provincial identity information services provider and the collection of the information is necessary to enable:
This information may be used for an authorized purpose under the Freedom of Information & Protection of Privacy Act, and is subject to
disclosure rules under the Act. Your information may also be requested through a
written request submitted in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, subject to
disclosure exceptions, including the disclosure of
information harmful to personal privacy.
If you believe that the District of Houston has collected your personal information, you may not only request it in writing, you may also request a correction if you believe the personal information collected is inaccurate.
If you have any questions about the collection, use and disclosure of personal information, please contact the District's Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Head.