In 2013 the District of Houston adopted Development Bylaw No. 1040, as amended - Consolidated (2021) which regulates the following zoning areas:
Note 2: Bylaw No. 1193 Small Scale Mulit-Unit Housing was adopted on June 18, 2024 in compliance with Bill 44, “at least one additional housing unit (secondary suite) within a detached dwelling that would otherwise be a single-family dwelling” or “at least one additional housing unit within another building on the same parcel or parcels of land on which a detached single-family dwelling is located.”
Forms Guidelines and Applications
At the time a new land use regulation bylaw is adopted, if an existing use of land or a building is lawfully used and it does not conform to the bylaw, then it may be continued as legal non-conforming use unless:
Any new use of land or a building is subject to the new bylaw.
Click the link for more information on legal non-conforming uses as described under the Local Government Act, Part 14, Division 14 - Non-conforming Use and Other Continuations.