
Candidate Financing Information


Contact Elections BC if you have questions about campaign financing, election advertising and third party sponsor rules.

Elections BC Expense Limits

Elections BC sets the maximum expense limits for each municipality in Local Government Elections:

  • Mayoralty candidate: $10,797.83
  • Council candidate: $5,398.90
  • School trustee: $5,398.90
  • 3rd Party Advertisers supporting a Mayor or Council Candidate, or School Trustee: $809.84
Elections BC Campaign Contributions

A campaign contribution is the value of any money, property or services provided without compensation to a candidate for campaign use. A campaign contribution can be made at any time. A campaign contribution can be a donation of money or goods, advance, deposit or discount. Campaign contributions of money can be made by cash, cheque, credit card or electronic funds transfer. If a candidate gives money to their own campaign it is a campaign contribution and must be recorded and disclosed in the same way as all other campaign contributions.

Campaign contributions can only be made by eligible individuals and cannot be made by organizations or any other individuals.
An eligible individual is:

  • a resident of British Columbia; and
  • a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident.
The Campaign contribution limit is the the maximum value of a campaign contribution that an eligible individual may provide.

Campaign contribution limits applicable to candidates in 2022

Part 5.1 of Local Elections Campaign Financing Expense Limit Regulation — Campaign Contribution Limits states:
1) This section applies to campaign contribution limits for 2022 in relation to the 2022 general local election.
2) Despite section 30.04 (1) [campaign contributions limits for 2019 and subsequent years] of the Act, a campaign contribution limit of $2 500:

  • (a) is established for a candidate who is not endorsed by an elector organization in relation to an election campaign of the candidate, and
  • (b) is applicable only to the unendorsed candidate in respect of campaign contributions made by that candidate for use in that candidate's own election campaign.

For 2022, you can give a total of $1,250.00 to a local elections candidate or elector organization per campaign. In the year of a general local election or local by-election, unendorsed candidates may contribute an additional $1,250 to their own campaign, and a group of endorsed candidates may contribute an additional $1,250 in total to the campaign of the elector organization.The campaign contribution limit is adjusted at the start of each calendar year.

  • (a) is established for an elector organization in relation to an election campaign of the elector organization, and
  • (b) is applicable, collectively, to all the candidates endorsed by the elector organization in relation to that election campaign in respect of campaign contributions made by those candidates for use in that election campaign.
For more information please visit:
Elections BC - Guide to Elections Campaign Contributions
Elections BC - Summary of New Rules for the 2018 General Local Elections
Elections BC - Guide to Campaign Financing in BC Local Government Elections
Elections BC - Expense Limits for Candidates

For Questions Regarding Campaign Financing and Expenses Contact Elections BC at:

Local Elections Campaign Financing
Elections BC
PO Box 9275 Stn Prov Govt
Victoria BC V8W 9J6


Financial agents are responsible for filing disclosure statements with Elections BC. A disclosure statement includes information on all campaign contributions, election expenses, transfers, surplus campaign funds and other transactions related to the campaign A disclosure statement must be filed for every elector organization All disclosure statements must be completed on Elections BC forms.

Financial agents are responsible for filing disclosure statements even if there were few or no financial transactions. Responsible principal officials also have a responsibility to ensure that their financial agents file their disclosure statements. Disclosure statements can be filed by:

  • email
  • mail
  • courier
  • fax
  • hand to a Service BC Centre (Service BC Locations)
  • hand to the Elections BC office in Victoria

Disclosure Statement Filing Deadline

The filing deadline for disclosure statements is 4:30 p m (Pacific time), 90 days after General Voting Day.

Disclosure statements filed by the filing deadline are accepted as long as the disclosure requirements are met If a disclosure statement requires additional information before it can be accepted, Elections BC will contact the financial agent to give them an opportunity to make the required corrections If a financial agent does not meet the 90 day deadline, they may file the disclosure statement under the late filing provisions discussed below.

The BC Chief Electoral Officer may grant extensions to the filing deadline in extraordinary circumstances. Requests for extensions must be made in writing to the BC Chief Electoral Officer before the 90 day filing deadline.




Elections BC Candidate Disclosure Statement Forms

Elections BC - Disclosure Statement Cover Page (4300)
Elections BC - Campaign Financing Summary (4301)
Elections BC - Summary of Campaign Contributions (4302)
Elections BC - Significant Contributors ($100 or more) (4303)
Elections BC - Permissible Loans Received (4304)
Elections BC - Other Deposits into Campaign Account and In-Kind Transfers (4305)
Elections BC - Prohibited Campaign Contributions and Loans (4306)
Elections BC - Summary of Election Expenses (4307)
Elections BC - Shared Election Expenses (4308)
Elections BC - Other Payments from Campaign Account and In-Kind Transfers (4309)
Elections BC - Fundraising Function (4310)
Elections BC - Disbursement of Surplus Funds (4311)
Elections BC - Former Financial Agents and Free Advertising from Jurisdiction (4312)

Elections BC Campaign Financing Arrangement Forms

Elections BC - Campaign Financing Arrangement Information Sheet (4920A)
Elections BC - Campaign Financing Arrangement (4920)
Elections BC - Amendment of a Campaign Financing Arrangement Information Sheet (4921A)
Elections BC - Amendment of a Campaign Financing Arrangement (4921)
Elections BC - Notification of Termination of a Campaign Financing Arrangement Information Sheet (4922A)
Elections BC - Notification of Termination of a Campaign Financing Arrangement (4922)

Elections BC - Candidate Financial Agent Appointment Update (4322)

Visit for a full list of Elections BC Local Elections Forms

District of Houston Chief Elections Officer Contact Information:
Madelaine Swift, Chief Elections Officer
PO Box 370 | Houston, BC | V0J 1Z0
3367 - 12th Street
P: 250-845-2238

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